應徵資格: 科系要求:化學相關、化學工程相關、材料工程相關系所畢業之碩士生 語文條件:精通英文者佳 擅長工具:Excel、PowerPoint、Word 工作技能:化學檢測儀器操作、材料評估測試、產品材料分析 具備駕照:普通小型車 其他條件 *Bonus:heterogeneous catalysis,continuous flow synthesis,first authorship 工作內容: 1.You are responsible for the planing,execution and analysis of organic synthetic experiments. 2.You will develop new synthetic methodologies and optimise reaction procedures for monomer synthesis. 3.You will be responsible for Data collection,analytical evaluation and documentation of the experimental results. 4.You will be responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the laboratory. 5.You will help out with the laboratory management. 薪資:月薪40,000~45,000元 意者請洽104網頁: https://www.104.com.tw/job/7ckoh?jobsource=cs_2018indexpoc