


2015/10/21 講者: 張煖教授 講題: Study of diabatic membrane-based distillation columns

會議名稱:深耕工業基礎計畫全體會議 會議日期:104年10月21 (星期三) 12:00~15:00 會議地點:化工系223會議室 主持人:陳誠亮教授 會議議程: 12:00~12:30 中午用餐 12:45~13:30 專題演講                      主講人: 淡江大學化學工程與材料工程學系 張煖 教授                      演講題目: Study of diabatic membrane-based distillation columns 13:40~14:40 分項二計畫報告 14:40~15:00 綜合討論  

Study of diabatic membrane-based distillation columns

Hsuan Chang (張煖)

Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University

Membrane-based distillation column (M-DC) utilizes hollow fibers, non-selective hydrophobic or hydrophilic membranes, as structured distillation packing and holds the advantages of large and fixed interfacial area and independent control of fluid flow rate without the constraints of flooding and loading. Diabatic distillation columns can approach the thermodynamic reversible operation, which is energy-efficient. However, it is difficult to embed internal heat exchange in conventional distillation columns. M-DC can be easily operated as diabatic columns (DM-DC), i.e. with internal heat exchange. For the methanol-water system, the experimental results show noteworthy reduction of HTU (heat of transfer unit) under diabatic operation when compared to adiabatic operation. The 1-D model simulation, taking into account the heat and mass transfer resistances in liquid, membrane and vapor phases, reveals the possibility of falling into two-phase regime on both liquid and vapor sides due to lack of direct contact of two phases. For the benzene-toluene system, the diabatic column with optimal internal heat exchange distribution gives 27% lower specific exergy loss than the adiabatic column.