The prize of this competition is provided by [張賴益新化工及醫學博士,戴美利醫學博士and 張賴台平醫學博士].
The Department's 2022 "Chemical Experiment Report and Creativity Competition" will be held on Friday, December 9th from 15:30 to 17:30 in the慶琅廳N202, 2nd Floor, Chemical Engineering Building II (Tseng Jiang Hall). For those who are taking "Chemical Engineering Experiment 2" this semester, you are encouraged to form a team to participate in this competition.
Please submit the registration form before Monday, November 21, and the electronic file (PPT file) and work authorization consent form before Monday, December 5 to Assistant 陳隆奕 at。
Detailed information will be announced on the NTU COOL platform.
Attachment: 2022 Chemical Engineering Experiment Report and Creativity explanation(Including: registration form, work authorization consent form, PDF and Word files)