

杜育銘 助理教授 / Yu-Ming Tu Assistant Professor

Porous Membrane Materials Lab 多孔膜材料實驗室 (02)3366-3012 yumingtu@ntu.edu.tw 二維有機多孔材料及薄膜水離子通道及感測元件節能-環境-水循環評估永續仿生分離膜技術 2D Polymeric Porous Materials and Thin FilmsAqueous Ion Channels and Sensing DevicesEnergy-Environment-Water NexusSustainable Bioinspired Separation Membrane Technologies (02)3366-1901 杜育銘 Yu-Ming Tu 化工二館(鄭江樓) CheE BLDG.II 助理教授 Assistant Professor N512(暫) 二館 N613 BLDG.II
    • 學經歷
      • B.S. in Chemical Engineering

        National Cheng Kung University, 2013

      • M.S. in Chemical Engineering

        National Taiwan University, 2015

      • Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering

        The University of Texas at Austin, 2021
      • Postdoctoral Associate in Chemical Engineering

        The University of Texas at Austin, 2021-2022

      • Postdoctoral Associate in Chemical Engineering

        Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2022-2024

      • Associate Executive Officer for Communications

        CENT, a DOE EFRC Center, 2023-2024


    • 研究主題
      • 多孔膜材料與永續分離工程及感測




    1. 2nd Place in 2023 CENT Symposium Poster Competition, August 2023

    Title: Environmental Damping in Vibrationally Coupled Carbon Nanotubes 

    1. 1st Place in 2023 CENT Lightning Talk, the Representative to Attend DOE Annual Meeting, July 2023

    Title: Nanofluidic Platforms for Knowledge Gaps at the Water-Energy Nexus

    1. Silver Winner in 2022 MRS Spring Meeting Graduate Student Award, May 2022

    Title: Biomimetic Membranes from Membrane Protein-Block Copolymer 2D Materials for Aqueous and Vapor Applications

    2022 Material Research Society (MRS) Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Honolulu, Hawaii

    1. 2021 AIChE Separations Division Graduate Student Research Award of the Membrane Area, November 2021

    Title: Membrane Protein-Based Biomimetic Membranes for Precise Molecular Separations

    2021 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA

    1. 2021 AIChE 8A Excellence in Polymer Graduate Research Symposium Finalist, November 2021

    Title: Rapid Self-assembly: Biomimetic Membranes from Membrane Protein-Block Copolymer Nanosheets

    2021 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, USA

    1. 2021 North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Student Fellowship Award, August 2021

    Title: Biomimetic Membranes from Membrane Protein-Block Copolymer Nanosheets for Precise Molecular Separations

    30th North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO, USA

    1. Fall ’21 Professional Development Award, Fall 2021

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Graduate School, The University of Texas at Austin

    1. George J. Heuer, Jr. Ph.D. Endowed Graduate Fellowship, Fall 2021

    UT Engineering Scholarship Award, The University of Texas at Austin

    1. Honorable Mention in “1-Min Quick Pitch” MRSEC Competition, April 2021

    Title: Creation of Soft Tissues Using Droplet Interfacial Bilayer (DIB)

    The Center for Dynamics and Control of Materials: an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers (MRSEC) Annual Meeting

    1. Graduate and Industry Networking (GAIN) 2021 Department Award, March 2021

    Title: Membrane Protein-Based Nanoporous Membranes for Water Treatment and Vapor Transport

    1. 2nd Prize in NAMS Poster Competition, May 2020

    29th North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Virtual Annual Meeting

    1. Elias Klein Founders’ Travel Supplement Program, May 2019

    North American Membrane Society (NAMS) Pittsburgh, PA, USA

    1. Pennsylvania State University Graduate Student Fellowship, Fall 2017 - Spring 2018

    Additional $5,000 stipend to selected students in Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

    1. Honorable Mention in English Oral Presentation Award, December 2014

    Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Meeting, Taoyuan, Taiwan

    1. Best in English Oral Presentation Award, September 2014

    International Symposium on Chemical- Environmental-Biomedical Technology, Taoyuan, Taiwan

    1. Honorable Mention in English Oral Presentation Award, August 2014

    International Symposium of Materials on Regenerative Medicine, Taoyuan, Taiwan

    1. Formosan Union Chemical Corp. Scholarship for Outstanding Student, 2013

    One of the top scholarships in Taiwan from the chemical engineering industry, and only one is awarded in the department of chemical engineering, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU)

    1. Outstanding Student Award for Academic Achievement

    Top 5 % of students in NCKU for 3 times, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012 School year

    1. NCKU Chemical Engineering Alumni Foundation Scholarship for Outstanding Student, 2012

    To the student with the best academic performance in each class

    1. Tu, Y.M.†, Kuehne, M.†, Misra, R.H., Ritt, C.L., Faucher, S., Oliaei, H., Li, H., Xu, X., Yang, J., Penn, A., Cumings, J., Majumdar, A., Aluru, N.R., Blankschtein, D. and Strano, M.S. “Environmental Damping and Vibrational Coupling of Confined Fluids within Isolated Carbon Nanotubes.” Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024): 5605. (8/134, MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES; IF: 14.7) (Published Online: 03 July 2024)
    2. Oh, H.†, Tu, Y. M.†, Samineni, L., De Respino. S., Mehrafrooz, B., Joshi, H., Massenburg, L., Lopez, H., Elessawy, N., Song, W., Behera, H., Boorla, V.S., Lin, Y.C., Maranas, C., Aksimentiev, A., Freeman, B.D. and Kumar, M., “Dehydrated Biomimetic Membranes with Skinlike Structure and Function.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 16, no. 16 (2024): 20865-20877. (69/438, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; IF: 8.3) (Published Online: 10 April 2024, Issue Date: 24 April 2024)
    3. Samineni, L., De Respino, S., Depaolis, M., Mohanty, R.P., Tu, Y.M., Velegol, S. and Kumar, M. “Highly effective nanoparticle removal in plant-based water filters.” Environmental Science: Advances 2, no. 8 (2023): 1130-1138. (Published Online: 10 July 2023)
    4. Samineni, L., De Respino, S., Tu, Y.M., Chowdhury, R., Mohanty, R.P., Oh, H., Geitner, M., Alberg, C.H., White., A.H., McKenzie, S., Lemus, C., Massey, J., Ghoshc, D., Velegol, S. and Kumar, M. “Effective pathogen removal in sustainable natural fiber Moringa filters.” npj Clean Water 5, no. 1 (2022): 1-12. (2/100, WATER RESOURCES; IF: 12.19) (Published Online: 6 July 2022)
    5. Shen, J., Roy, A., Joshi, H., Samineni, L., Ye, R., Tu, Y.M., Song, W., Skiles, M., Kumar, M., Aksimentiev, A., and Zeng, H., “Fluorofoldamer-Based Salt- and Proton-Rejecting Artificial Water Channels for Ultrafast Water Transport.” Nano Letters 22, no. 12 (2022): 4831-4838. (32/345, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; IF: 12.26) (Published Online: 8 June 2022)
    6. Koner, S., Tawfik, J., Mashali, F., Kennison, K. B., Heberle, F. A., Tu, Y.M., Kumar, M., Sarles, S. A., “Homogeneous hybrid droplet interface bilayers assembled from binary mixtures of DPhPC phospholipids and PB-b-PEO diblock copolymers.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1864, no. 10 (2022): 183997. (26/72, BIOPHYSICS; IF: 4.02) (Published Online: 16 June 2022, Issue Date: October 2022)
    7. De Respino. S., Samineni. L., Tu, Y.M., Oh, H. and Kumar, M., “Simultaneous Removal of Oil and Bacteria in a Natural Fiber Filter.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 9, no. 1 (2021): 77-83. (20/279, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES; IF: 11.56) (Published Online: 15 November 2021, Issue Date: January 2022)
    8. Roy, A., Shen, J., Joshi, H., Song, W., Tu, Y.M., Ruijuan, Y., Li, N., Ren, C., Kumar, M., Aksimentiev, A. and Zeng, H., “Foldamer-based ultrapermeable and highly selective artificial water channels that exclude protons.” Nature Nanotechnology 16, no. 8 (2021): 911-917. (3/414, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 1/38, NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY; IF: 40.52) (Published Online: 20 May 2021, Issue Date: August 2021)
    9. Tu, Y.M., Samineni, L., Ren, T., Schantz, A.B., Song, W., Sharma, S. and Kumar, M., “Prospective applications of nanometer-scale pore size biomimetic and bioinspired membranes.” Journal of Membrane Science 620 (2021): 118968. (7/160, ENGINEERING, CHEMICAL; 3/95, POLYMER SCIENCE; IF: 10.53) (Published Online: 18 December 2020, Issue Date: 15 February 2021)
    10. Tu, Y.M.†, Song, W.†, Ren, T.†, Shen, Y.X., Chowdhury, R., Rajapaksha, P., Culp, T.E., Samineni, L., Lang, C., Thokkadam, A., ... and Kumar, M., “Rapid fabrication of precise high-throughput filters from membrane protein nanosheets.” Nature Materials 19, no. 3 (2020): 347-354. (1/165, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICAL; 4/345, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; IF: 47.66) (Published: 27 January 2020, Issue Date: March 2020)
    11. Song, W., Joshi, H., Chowdhury, R., Najem, J.S., Shen, Y.X., Lang, C., Henderson, C.B., Tu, Y.M., Farell, M., Pitz, M.E., ... and Kumar, M., “Artificial water channels enable fast and selective water permeation through water-wire networks.” Nature Nanotechnology 15, no. 1 (2020): 73-79. (3/414, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; 1/138, NANOSCIENCE & NANOTECHNOLOGY; IF: 40.52) (Published Online: 16 December 2019, Issue Date: 02 January 2020)
    12. Lang, C., Ye, D., Song, W., Yao, C., Tu, Y.M., Capparelli, C., LaNasa, J.A., Hickner, M.A., ... and Kumar, M., “Biomimetic Separation of Transport and Matrix Functions in Lamellar Block Copolymer Channel-Based Membranes.” ACS Nano 13, no. 7 (2019): 8292-8302. (20/345, MATERIALS SCIENCE, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; IF: 18.03) (Published Online: 28 June 2019, Issue Date: 23 July 2019)
    13. Shih, Y.L., Huang, L.T.†, Tu, Y.M.†, Lee, B.F., Bau, Y.C., Hong, C.Y., Lee, H.L., ... and Chao, L., “Active Transport of Membrane Components by Self-organization of the Min Proteins.” Biophysical Journal 116, no. 8 (2019): 1469-1482. (Featured as the cover page of Volume 116, Issue 8, 2019) (30/72, BIOPHYSICS; IF: 3.69) (Published Online: 23 March 2019, Issue Date: 23 April 2019)
    14. Song, W., Tu, Y.M., Oh, H., Samineni, L. and Kumar, M., “Hierarchical Optimization of High-Performance Biomimetic and Bioinspired Membranes.” Langmuir 35, no. 3 (2018): 589-607. (Featured as ACS Editor’s Choice) (72/179, CHEMISTRY, MULTIDISCIPLINARY; IF: 4.33) (Published Online: 21 December 2018, Issue Date: 22 January 2019)