

吳嘉文 教授(國衛院 生醫工程與奈米醫學研究所所長) / Chia-Wen (Kevin) Wu Professor

功能性奈米孔洞材料實驗室 Nanoporous Materials Lab 二館 金屬有機骨架 (MOF)奈米孔徑材料藥物控制釋放永續化學工程 Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)Mesoporous MaterialsBiomass ConversionDrug Delivery Systems (DDS)Sustainable Chemistry Engineering (02)3366-3064 BLDG.II (02)3366-9534 kevinwu@ntu.edu.tw N617 吳嘉文 Chia-Wen (Kevin) Wu 化工二館(鄭江樓) CheE BLDG.II 教授 Professor N614
    • 學經歷
      • 國立台灣大學   農化學士,1998
      • 國立台灣大學   農化碩士,2000
      • 日本東京大學   材料科學與工程博士,2005


    • 研究主題
      • 中孔徑奈米材料的製備與應用
        中孔徑奈米材料 (mesoporous materials) 具有大表面積,規則結構,均勻孔徑等優點,在基礎研究及實際應用上都受到相當重視。本研究室的研究著重在於此材料的合成與應用 (光電,能源及生醫方面)。合成製備上,我們將結合 Bottom-up 手法中的界面活性劑的自組裝特性 (Self-assembly) 與 Top-down 手法中的半導體蝕刻技術 (Lithography) 來製作先端功能性的奈米孔徑材料。此製備方法包含了化學的合成及工學的製造。在基礎研究上,我們將會研究不同合成條件下對奈米結構的相轉移,不同孔狀結構的合成及構造解析,材料的功能化等相關題目。在實際應用上,目前我們的材料應用著重於以下三部份: 1. 光電:色素增感太陽電池2. 能源:綠色能源,燃料電池 3.生醫:藥物與基因的傳遞與釋放。藉由基礎與應用的研究,我們期待除了能發展出新的材料之外,更希望這些研究對人類健康與環境永續有所貢獻。


    • 最新研究
      • 設計並合成多功能中孔徑固體催化劑於木質纖維生質物的高效率且高選擇性地轉換成生質能源(II)-酵素補助的纖維素轉換
        Kevin Chia-Wen Wu, sponsored by the National Science Council (國科會)
      • 合成多功能中孔徑氧化矽及氧化鈦奈米粒子做為高感度螢光探針並用於細胞內生物感測
        Kevin Chia-Wen Wu, sponsored by the National Health Research Institutes (國衛院)
      • 高效環保的生質柴油生產技術:原物料直接轉成生質燃料
        Kevin Chia-Wen Wu, sponsored by the National Science Council (國科會)(能源科技研究計畫,整合型計畫:子計畫三)
      • 應用生物可分解性中空中孔洞氫氧基磷灰石奈米粒子於胃癌併腹轉移的治療模式建立
        Kevin Chia-Wen Wu, sponsored by the National Taiwan University Hospital (台大醫院)
    1. 王毓璞同學/指導教授:吳嘉文教授參加2014年中華民國界面科學學會年會暨論文發表會在壁報展示競賽部分獲得佳作
    2. 為期刊Chemical Communications 撰寫專題文章並被期刊引用為封面圖
    3. 榮獲2014 日本化學學會The Distinguished Lecture Award (最佳演說獎) for Inorganic Porous Materials
    4. 白井宏明/指導教授:吳嘉文教授北海道大學日籍交換學生在台研究成果獲日學術會議肯定
    5. "Energy & Environmental Science"期刊封面
    6. "Green Chemistry "期刊封面
    7. 發表在期刊"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (STAM)"上的文章獲選為Best Paper Award 2014
    8. 碩士研究生鄧有衡同學/指導教授:吳嘉文教授 The International Conference on Nanocatalysts and Nanomaterials for Green Technologies」最佳海報競賽榮獲銀獎, 2014
    9. Best poster award:陳靖天同學 /指導教授吳嘉文教授 2014年台灣化學工程學會61周年年會暨國科會化工學門成果發表會 觸媒及反應工程組海報優等獎 2014/12/13-14.
    10. Best poster award:鄧有衡同學 /指導教授吳嘉文教授 2014年台灣化學工程學會61周年年會暨國科會化工學門成果發表會 薄膜分離組海報優等獎 2014/12/13-14.
    11. 論文被Chemcatchem接受並選為期刊封底(2015/03/17)
    12. ChemSusChem接受並選為期刊封面內頁文章(2015/03/18)
    13. 擔任國際重要期刊Scientific Reports的編輯委員(2015/06/069)
    14. SCI國際期刊Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) (IF: 5.578)的Editor and Editorial Board Member.
    15. SCI國際期刊Advanced Powder Technology (IF: 1.612)的Editor and Editorial Board Member.
    16. SCI國際期刊Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IF: 1.149)的Guest Editor.
    17. SCI國際期刊Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (IF: 3.752)的Guest Editor.
    18. 榮獲104度吳大猷先生紀念獎(2015/10/08)
    19. 臺大SMART Center」與日本研究機構NIMS共同合作完成研究成果-應用奈米顆粒萃取海藻油脂,可將廢食用油轉化為綠色能源,研究成果已發表於永續資源國際知名期刊ChemSusChem,獲選為期刊封面。(2015/11/18)
    20. 功能性奈米孔洞材料研究室(吳嘉文教授主持)學術文章被接受發表至Chemcatchem並被選為封面,2016
    21. 榮獲科技部「吳大猷先生紀念獎」,2016
    22. 指導王正彥同學,中油新能源創意競賽榮獲第3名實用獎,2016
    23. 榮獲第2屆台灣觸媒年會最佳研究論文獎,2016
    24. 指導 廖祐德同學,參加「第 34 屆觸媒暨反應工程研討會」學生英語演講競賽第一名,2016
    25. 指導 康庭慈同學,榮獲2016國際生質物催化轉化會議學生海報競賽第2名,2016
    26. 指導 王正彥同學,榮獲104年度大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎,2016
    27. 2016 Green Tech 東元科技創意競賽亞軍,2016
    28. 指導 陳珮鵑同學,參加"有機/無機混成材料與紡織品工業基礎計術深耕計畫. 2016年專題論文競賽.”榮獲佳作的成績,2016
    29. 指導 葉俊毅同學,榮獲「第63屆台灣化學工程學會年會」壁報論文競賽優勝獎,2016
    30. 指導 張家豪同學,榮獲「第63屆台灣化學工程學會年會」壁報論文競賽優勝獎,2016
    31. 指導 王正彥同學,榮獲「第63屆台灣化學工程學會年會」中文口頭報告競賽優勝獎,2016
    32. 指導 郭偉琪同學,榮獲「第63屆台灣化學工程學會年會」壁報論文競賽佳作,2016
    33. 2017年11月: 榮獲化學學會傑出青年化學家獎
    34. 2017年9月: 榮獲化工學會賴再得獎
    35. 2018年5月: 榮獲106度科技部傑出研究獎
    36. 2019年: 李長榮教育基金會傑出青年教授獎
    37. 2019年: 2019 Outstanding Researcher Award from Asia-Pacific Associations of Catalysis Societies (APCAS).
    38. 2020年: 榮獲Materials Advances (RSC Publisher) 期刊選為2020年的傑出審稿者(Outstanding Reviewer)
    39. 2022年: 台北國際觸媒會議(2022 Taipei International Conference on Catalysis)有2位學生獲得口頭及3位獲得海報競賽獎.
    40. 2022年: 第一屆欣興電子技術交流海報競賽暨發表會, 學生以新興再生能源裝置—金屬有機骨架材料衍生之高效滲透能源發電裝置獲得第三名.
    41. 2022年: 指導綠色永續材料與精密元件博士學位學程獲得110學年度台大工學院研究生院長獎.
    42. 2022年: 獲選為2022年高被引學者 (2021, 2022連續二年獲得)
    43. 2022年: 受邀擔任化工領域頂尖學術期刊Chemical Engineering Journal 副主編 (Associate Editor), 台灣唯一一位.
    44. 2022/11 陳芳燦學者獎
    45. 2022華立創新材料大賽優選獎
    46. 2022年12月: 擔任SCI國際期刊Green Chemistry (IF: 11.034) 的Advisory Board.
    47. 2023年2月: 擔任SCI國際期刊Hybrid Advances (Elsevier) 的Advisory Board.
    48. 2023年4月: 2023年李昭仁基金會研究學者獎
    1. Kuen-Song Lin,* Ndumiso Vukile Mdlovu, Ho-Yang Chan, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Jeffrey Chi-Sheng Wu, Yu-Tzu Huang. Preparation and characterization of mesoporous polymer-based solid acid catalysts for biodiesel production via transesterification of palmitic oils. Catalysis Today. 2022, 397-399, 145-154. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0920586121004971
    2. Guohu Zhang, Ahmed F. M. EL-Mahdy, Lamiaa Reda Ahmed, Babasaheb M. Matsagar, Sameerah Al-Saeedi, Shiao-Wei Kuo* and Kevin C.-W. Wu.* Metal Complexes of the Porphyrin-Functionalized Polybenzoxazine. Polymers. 2022, 14.3: 449.
    3. Jeffrey E. Chen, Zhen Jie Yang, Hoong Uei Koh, Jie Shen, Yichen Cai, Yusuke Yamauchi, Li-Hsien Yeh*, Vincent Tung*, and Kevin C.-W. Wu*. Current Progress and Scalable Approach Towards the Synthesis of 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2022, 9.13: 2102560. (IF: 6.147)
    4. Po-Ya Hsu, Ting-Yu Hu, Selvaraj Rajesh Kumar, Kevin C.-W. Wu*, and Shingjiang Jessie Lue*. Swelling-Resistant, Crosslinked Polyvinyl Alcohol Membranes with High ZIF-8 Nanofiller Loadings as Effective Solid Electrolytes for Alkaline Fuel Cells. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12.5: 865. (IF: 4.92)
    5. Season S. Chen, Zhen-Jie Yang, Chia-Hao Chang, Hoong-Uei Koh, Sameerah Al-Saeedi, Kuo-Lun Tung,* and Kevin C.-W. Wu*. Interfacial Nanoarchitectonics for Zeolitic Imidazolate Framework-8 (ZIF-8) Membranes with Enhanced Gas (CO2/N2) Separation. The Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2022, 13.1: 313-324.
    6. Mohamed Gamal Mohamed, Tharwat Hassan Mansoure, Maha Mohamed Samy, Yasuno Takashi, Ahmed A. K. Mohammed, Tansir Ahamad, Saad M. Alshehri, Jeonghun Kim, Babasaheb M. Matsagar, Kevin C. -W. Wu* and Shiao-Wei Kuo.* Ultrastable Conjugated Microporous Polymers Containing Benzobisthiadiazole and Pyrene Building Blocks for Energy Storage Applications. Molecules. 2022, 27.6: 2025.
    7. Season S. Chen, Zhen-Jie Yang, Chia-Hao Chang, Hoong-Uei Koh, Sameerah I. Al-Saeedi, Kuo-Lun Tung and Kevin C.-W. Wu.* Interfacial nanoarchitectonics for ZIF-8 membranes with enhanced gas separation. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. 2022, 13.1: 313-324.
    8. Ren-Xuan Yang*, Kalsoom Jan, Ching-Tien Chen, Prof. Wan-Ting Chen*, Kevin C.-W. Wu.* Thermochemical conversion of plastic waste into fuels, chemicals, and value-added materials: A critical review and outlooks. ChemSusChem. 2022. 15, e202200171. https://doi.org/10.1002/cssc.202200171
    9. Min Ying Tsang, Shun Tokuda, Po-Chun Han, Zaoming Wang, Alexandre Legrand, Marina Kawano, Masahiko Tsujimoto, Yuki Ikeno, Kenji Urayama, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Shuhei Furukawa. Controlled sequential assembly of metal-organic polyhedral into colloidal gels with high chemical complexity. Small Structures. 23 April 2022. https://doi.org/10.1002/sstr.202100197
    10. Aphinan Saengsrichan, Chaiwat Saikate, Peeranut Silasana, Pongtanawat Khemthong, Wanwitoo Wanmolee, Jakkapop Phanthasri, Saran Youngjan, Pattaraporn Posoknistakul, Sakhon Ratchahat, Navadol Laosiripojana and Kevin C.-W. Wu and Chularat Sakdaronnarong.* The Role of N and S Doping on Photoluminescent Characteristics of Carbon Dots from Palm Bunches for Fluorimetric Sensing of Fe3+ Ion. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23.9: 5001. (IF: 4.556)
    11. Chi Van Nguyen, Jyun-Yi Yeh, Thuan Van Tran, and Kevin C.-W. Wu.* Highly Efficient One-pot Conversion of Saccharides to 2,5-Dimethylfuran using P-UiO-66 and Ni-Co@NC Noble Metal-Free Catalysts. Green Chemistry. 2022. 24, 5070-5076.
    12. Chung-Hui Hsu, Woan-Ling Chen, Ming-Feng Hsieh, Yesong Gu*, and Kevin C.-W. Wu.* Construction of hydrophobic magnetic MOFs for protein separation and purification. Separation and Purification Technology. 2022, 301: 121986.
    13. Ming-Hsuan Yu, Po-Chun Han, Chia-Chen Lee, I-Chih Ni, Zonglong Zhu, Ernst Z. Kurmaev, Shuhei Furukawa, Kevin C.-W. Wu*, and Chu-Chen CHueh.* Self-Arranged Metal-Organic Polydedron/Fullerene Asymmetric Structure Improves the Performance of Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2022, 10.39: 14542-14548.
    14. Aphinan Saengsrichan, Pongtanawat Khemthong*, Wanwitoo Wanmolee, Saran Youngjan, Jakkapop Phanthasri, Pariyapat Arjfuk, Pisut Pongchaikul, Sakhon Ratchahat, Pattaraporn Posoknistakul, Navadol Laosiripojana, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Chularat Sakdaronnarong*. Platinum/Carbon Dots Nanocomposites from Palm Bunch Hydrothermal Synthesis as Highly Efficient Peroxidase Mimics for Ultra-low H2O2 Sensing Platform Through Dual Mode of Colorimetric and Fluorescent Detection. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2022, 1230: 340368.
    15. Nuttanun Kutrakul, Anchittha Liu, Sakon Ratchahat, Pattaraporn Posoknistakul, Navadol Laosiripojana, Kevin C.-W. Wu, and Chularat Sakdaronnarong.* Highly selective catalytic conversion of raw sugar and sugarcane bagasse to lactic acid over YbCl3, ErCl3, and CeCl3 Lewis acid catalysts without alkaline in a hot-compressed water reaction system. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2022, 187, 549-569.
    16. Yu-Sheng Yu, Chung-Hui Hsu, Po-Hsiu Cheng, Kevin C.-W. Wu, and Chia-Hung Liu.* Poly (acrylic acid)-grafted Metal-Organic Framework Carrying Mg Ions for Bone Repair. Materials Chemistry & Physics. 2022, 292: 126840.
    17. Zih-Yu Chen, Webber Wie-Po Lai*, Hank Hui-Hsiang Lin, Jia Xuan Tan, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Angela Yu-Chen Lin.* Photocatalytic degradation of ketamine using a reusable TiO2/SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic photocatalyst under simulated solar light. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022, 10.6: 108637.
    18. Rahul Patil; Nitish Kumar; Sudip Bhattacharjee; C. M. Hsi-Yen Wu; Po-Chun Han; Kevin C. W. Wu*; Rahul R. Salunkhe*; Asim Bhaumik*; Saikat Dutta*. Influence of Catalase Encapsulation on Cobalt@Nanoporous Carbon with Multiwall Shell for Supercapacitor and Polyurethane Synthesis by using Carbon Dioxide. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2023, 453, 139874. (IF: 14.66)
    19. Vasudha Hasija, Pareep Singh, Sourbh Thakur, Klaudia Stando, Van-Huy Nguyen, Quyet Van Le, Saad M Alshehri, Tansir Ahamad,* Kevin C.-W. Wu, Pankaj Raizada.* Oxygen doping facilitated N-vacancies in g-C3N4 regulates electronic band gap structure fortrimethoprimand Cr (VI) mitigation: Simulation studies and photocatalytic degradation pathways. Applied Materials Today. 2022, 29: 101676.
    20. Ivan S. Zhidkov*, Ming-Hsuan Yu, Andrey I. Kukharenko, Po-Chun Han, Seif O. Cholakh, Wen-Yueh Yu, Kevin C.-W. Wu, Chu-Chen Chueh, Ernst Z. Kurmaev.* Stability of Hybrid Perovskites with UiO-66 Metal-Organic Framework Additives to Heat, Light, and Humidity. Nanomaterials. 2022, 12.23: 4349.