Welcome, all high school students, to the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University. What exactly do students study and do in the Department of Chemical Engineering? In our department, we teach students the knowledge of chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc. to provide for the material needs of society and to solve the challenges faced by mankind. The training in Chemical Engineering has several characteristics, one of them is to consider efficiency and profit. The efficiency here means we aim to have the least amount of energy used, the least number of raw materials consumed, and the least or no amount of waste produced, all of the above in turn maximize the overall profit. This is also a feature that distinguishes us from the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Materials. In addition to understanding how a compound or material is synthesized, chemical engineering students also need to learn how to produce these useful products in the most efficient way. Another important point is, the knowledge one learned in the Department of Chemical Engineering keeps pace with time. The training given here is not limited to the traditional petrochemical industry, but can also be applied in the emerging semiconductor industry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, and renewable energy industry, and even deal with the problems of carbon dioxide capture, storage, and reuse, etc. In the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University, students are taught to view the world from a larger perspective and solve problems with engineering skills. Students who graduated from the Department of Chemical Engineering of National Taiwan University have outstanding performance in different fields, including the current President of Academia 廖俊智, the late Minister of Education 毛高文, the chairman of 聚和國際 郭聰田, the chairman of 建大輪胎楊銀明, and the chairman of 台康生技劉理成, they are just a few outstanding graduates of the department. For those who are interested, you are welcome to join the big family of NTU Chemical Engineering.