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Chemical Engineering Building Renovation Project

     To express gratitude for the generous donations towards the construction of the Chemical Engineering Department building, the department has established the following guidelines for expressing gratitude and fundraising for the building construction:


Thanks to the participation of department alumni and people from all fields, the fundraising for the Chemical Engineering 1st Building renovation project has been successfully completed. Special thanks go to all enthusiastic alumni and donators from all fields for their generous donations during the fundraising process. In particular, the chairman of the Department of Chemical Engineering Alumni Committee, 楊銀明理事長, not only contribute lots of effort during the fundraising process, but also took the lead in donating 5 million NTD.


The renovation project has been approved by the school regulations team and the Taipei City Cultural Bureau. The total cost of the renovation project is 28.3 million NTD (currently estimated), and the school’s General Affairs Office and the School of Engineering subsidize 15 million NTD. Thanks to department alumni and enthusiastic people from all fields for their generous donations to make up for the lack of funds, this way the project can be successfully executed.


As follow-up, the department will continue to deliver progress report to alumni and donators from all fields. After the project is completed, the usage of the fund will also be declared. Thanks again for the support of the alumni and generous people from all fields regarding the renovation project of the department building!


Chemical Engineering 1st Building Renovation Project Progress Report


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2024.4.23    北市文化局召開「化學工程館緊急搶修計畫」審查會議,並請本校依委員意見修正該計畫

2024.4.10    北市文化局公告「化學工程館」為市定歷史建築

2024.2.26   營繕組函送「化學工程館緊急搶修計畫」,請台北市文化局同意斬石子牆面修復及相關工程施工

2024.1.4      台北市文化局舉辦化學工程館文化資產價值審查專案小組現勘,暫列化學工程館為古蹟

2023.11.14  營繕組函請台北市文化局同意斬石子牆面修復工程

2023.10.30  營繕組進行契約變更行政程序

2023.10.23  營繕組決議外牆斬石子牆面敲除重新施作,回復建築原有風貌

2023. 7.10   廠商執行外牆斬石子牆面塗不黃變膠工項後,發現牆面反白不均無法復原

2023. 6.30   完成屋頂斜屋頂工程及室內粉刷工程

2023. 2.28   完成外牆防水工程及磁磚更新

2023. 1.10   完成設計變更行政程序,函請廠商復工

2022.10.17  辦理設計變更暫時停工(提高斜屋頂高度至2.1公尺及增加老舊窗戶汰換)

2022. 5.16   工程開工

2022. 3. 9    本案工程標決標予「台灣南海股份有限公司」

2022. 2.24   召開本案工程標評選會議

2022. 1.13   第五次工程召標案公告,計有2家廠商投標並符合資格進入評選

2021. 9.24   公告本案工程召標案

2021. 8.26   召開本案工程標第1次評選會議(契約及投標廠商評選標準辦法審查)

2021. 6.11   台北市文化局函復同意本案施工

2010. 5.10   函請台北市文化局同意本案施工

2021. 4.12   完成修正細部步設計圖說(屋頂全面加蓋斜屋頂)

2021. 3.10   校園規劃小組同意本案工程施作,並同意屋頂全面加蓋斜屋頂

2021. 1.13   召開本案細部步設計審查會議

2020. 9.22   召開本系一館「化學工程館外牆整修與屋頂防水工程」(簡稱本案)初步設計審查會議

2020. 5.29   召開技服投標廠商評選會議

2020. 4.10   公告本系一館「化學工程館外牆整修與屋頂防水工程規劃設計監造技術服務」(簡稱技服)招標案